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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common questions about our personalized beauty service for individual consumers.

How does the AI Face Shape Analyzer work?

The AI Face Shape Analyzer, and other facial analysis tools on StyleSense, uses a facial landmark detection algorithm, and then uses the proportions, angles, and ratios between different points on the face to classify the face shape in the uploaded picture. The Face Shape Analyzer will classify the uploaded image as one or two of the shapes that most closely match out of the available options — Oval, Round, Square, Rectangle, Pear, Heart and Diamond. Read about the different face shapes ->

How accurate is the AI Face Shape Analyzer?

Internal testing has yielded a 92% accuracy rate for our Face Shape Analyzer. However, it's important to note that face shape analysis is not always precise due to variations in photo quality, facial expressions, and lighting conditions. Additionally, it is common for people to have attributes of more than one face shape, and may not fit neatly into the seven ascribed options. For this reason, our model classifies up to two shapes if it cannot find a clear match given the uploaded picture.

Which features are free, and which cost money?

Our free features include the AI Face Shape Analyzer, and the Live Face Contour Guides. Credits are available for purchase at $1 each, and can be used towards our Advanced Features, including the Eye Shape Analyzer and Live Nose Contour Guides. Read more ->

Will the AI Face Shape Analyzer always be free?

Yes. We recognize that there is a gap in the market and are committed to keeping our Face Shape Analyzer high-quality and free to all, forever.

What is a credit?

Credits enable you to use Advanced Features, like the Eye Shape Analyzer and Nose Contour Guide. We are actively developing more Advanced Features, including a Blush Placement Guide, Color Analysis tool and more. Subscriptions include an unlimited budget of credits that you can use within that month. Pay-as-you-go credits will not expire after the purchase.

Should I purchase credits or a subscription?

If you're just trying the product or have a one-off need, pay as you go credits are a great option. However, for users who wish to incorporate StyleSense into their daily makeup routine, you'll save with a subscription. Subscriptions are billed monthly and can be canceled at any time.

How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking "Manage Your Plan" in your profile. We partner with Stripe for billing, and all cancellation or refund requests will be handled by the Stripe customer portal.

What type of pictures should I use to get the best results?

To get the best results from our AI tools, you should use front facing photos of a single face with a neutral expression and good lighting. Additionally, you should ensure that the subject's face is not covered by accessories like sunglasses, hats, or scarves.

What happens to my pictures after I upload them?

We don't store your uploaded files on a server nor do we save them to an external database. After you close the browser or refresh the page, the uploaded file(s) are cleared from the browser's memory. Read our privacy policy ->

Is payment secure?

Yes, we use Stripe for payment. We do not store any of your credit card information.